Hazard Community and Technical College is much more than buildings and programs: we’re a community where students find confidence, collaboration, compassion and success.
Hazard Community and Technical College empowers students by providing equitable educational opportunities that lead to student success, rewarding careers, and community enhancement.
Hazard Community and Technical College is a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System serving the needs of Southeastern Kentucky.
Mission Statement Approved by HCTC Board of Directors, August 14, 2008, February 16, 2012, November 12, 2015, May 5, 2018, Equitable added February 11, 2021, reviewed November 4, 2021 with no changes
Mission Statement Approved by KCTCS Board of Regents, September 26, 2008, June 15, 2012, December 4, 2015, June 15, 2018, March 19, 2021, reviewed and approved all KCTCS mission statements June 10, 2022
Hazard Community and Technical College inspires hope and transforms lives through progressive educational opportunities.
Vision approved by Presidents Leadership Team July 31, 2018.
Teaching and Learning supported through:
- Community
- Compassion
- Empowerment
- Equity
- Excellence
- Heritage
- Hope
- Innovation
- Perseverance
- Respect