North Carolina Wesleyan University


The Wesleyan Experience!

Education can make a huge difference in someone’s life. But how that education is delivered will make the biggest difference of all. At NC Wesleyan University, we promise to deliver a quality education to students that is personal, practical and purpose-driven. So, why NC Wesleyan? North Carolina Wesleyan University offers a best-in-class value and a personally tailored private higher education experience.  We invest in each and every student we accept by providing individualized awards, scholarships and grants. Wesleyan is YOUR hometown University that is Personal. Practical, and Purpose-Driven. Our faculty, staff and administration support the following Core Pillars of Distinction at the university: Personal Focus… through mentoring and the connections we provide. Often, this is accomplished through connections with our admissions team in the early part of the recruitment process. Open houses, new student convocation, one-to-one mentoring with faculty and staff, social events, enrichment programs, student clubs, sports teams, and other activities reinforce personal connections. These connections develop more profoundly into the family and community atmosphere that many of our students positively acknowledge. This atmosphere is the number one reason students choose Wesleyan and stay here. So, why NC Wesleyan? Those close connections, research opportunities, and the ability to be active in our community, support our mission, vision, and core values. Practical Learning… by helping you develop lifelong skills. We offer programs designed to empower and connect students with the resources needed to enhance their academic and personal development. Wesleyan is a place where students realize their potential as critically engaged and informed citizens, contributing to their success and the well-being of their communities and society as a whole. Faculty and staff guide students as they develop practical skills that are broadly useful, fully transferable, and applicable to any challenge or career. The skills cultivated by our faculty and built into our curriculum include critical thinking and reflection, communication, collaboration, and information technology.
Purpose-driven Approach… by helping you fulfill your purpose in life. As students enroll at Wesleyan to explore their interests, faculty and staff guide them to become PURPOSE-DRIVEN in their studies, activities, and community involvement. We believe that higher education is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of learning, growing, and striving to fulfill your purpose in life. Every day, we have a responsibility to prepare our students for that journey and provide all the resources necessary for their success.