Quick Facts
Learn about our Pima Community College community of students, educators and supporters.
College Mission
As an open-admissions community college within the diverse setting of Pima County, Pima Community College provides comprehensive and flexible life-long learning opportunities to promote learner success and to empower every learner, every day, for every goal.
Every learner: We commit to meeting the diverse needs of every person who seeks to further themselves through education.
Every day: We strive for excellence in teaching and support services, to ensure that all of our learners experience a welcoming and supportive environment that enhances their education.
Every goal: We align our programs and services with meaningful careers, quality educational pathways, and equity-driven practices to empower learners to succeed in their college and career goals.
Student Characteristics (Fall 2023)
- 30.9% students taking 12 or more credit hours
- 35.6% White, Non-Hispanic and 49.6% Hispanic/Latino